This is a very simple and easy to prepare dish. There is no cooking involved. It is nutritious as all the vegetables used are raw. This dish is vegetarian and gluten free.
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad
Recipe follows in detail with pictures.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 0
Serves: 3
100 gram grated Calabash - bottle gourd
1 onion (70 grams)
1 green chilli (32 grams)
50 gram capsicum (red, green, yellow or mixed) .
¼ tsp chopped ginger
70 grams yogurt
½ teaspoon salt to taste
1. Wash and cut 4” piece from a bottle gourd.
2. Remove and discard the core - soft seeded flesh inside
3. Grate the outer flesh into a bowl
1. Chop onion,green chili, capsicum, and ginger finely and put into a bowl. Add grated bottle gourd.
2. Lastly add the yogurt and then pepper, and salt.
3. Chill the salad before serving.
The salad can be consumed on its own. It can be served with rice or chapatti. It can be served as a side dish for a meat meal.
If you are not consuming the salad immediately or if you want to store it in the fridge, then do not add salt. Add salt before you serve.
You can omit green chilli if you want the salad to be mild. We add capsicum chilly due to its nutrition value. Raw capsicum chilly is not hot.
Vegans can substitute yogurt with three tablespoon of coconut milk or cream. This will be even more delicious and nutritious as coconut is now accepted as a super food . You can also substitute yogurt with lemon juice(or organic cider vinegar) and olive oil.
Read this article for an overview on calabash vegetable.
Other calabash posts
Calabash (Bottle Gourd)
Calabash (bottle gourd) stir-fry
Calabash (Bottle gourd) mild curry
Calabash Soup - Bottle Gourd Soup
Nutrition data for this recipe
Nutrition content is computed by adding nutrition values of individual ingredients according to the USDA nutrition database. Water shown here is what is found in the ingredients and not the water added while cooking. This is only an approximation. For further information please read my post “Nutrition information for my recipes.”
Click the button below to view the nutrition data. Click again to close it.
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad
Recipe summary
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 0
Serves: 3
1. Wash and cut 4” piece from a bottle gourd. ( 100 grams)
2. Remove and discard the core - soft seeded flesh inside
3. Grate the outer flesh into a bowl
4. Add 1 Chopped onion, 50 grams mixed red, green, yellow capsicum, 1 chopped green chili and finely chopped ¼ tsp ginger.
5. Finally mix ¼ tsp ground pepper, 70 grams yogurt, and ½ teaspoon salt to taste
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad is ready.
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 0
Serves: 3
1. Wash and cut 4” piece from a bottle gourd. ( 100 grams)
Ingredients |
![]() |
Calabash |
2. Remove and discard the core - soft seeded flesh inside
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad |
3. Grate the outer flesh into a bowl
4. Add 1 Chopped onion, 50 grams mixed red, green, yellow capsicum, 1 chopped green chili and finely chopped ¼ tsp ginger.
5. Finally mix ¼ tsp ground pepper, 70 grams yogurt, and ½ teaspoon salt to taste
Calabash (Bottle gourd) salad is ready.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 0
Serves: 3
100 gram grated Calabash - bottle gourd
1 onion (70 grams)
1 green chilli (32 grams)
50 gram capsicum (red, green, yellow or mixed) .
![]() |
Calabash |
¼ tsp ground pepper¼ tsp chopped ginger
70 grams yogurt
½ teaspoon salt to taste
1. Wash and cut 4” piece from a bottle gourd.
![]() |
Peel the calabash |
Quarter the calabash and remove the core and seeds |
Grate the calabash |
1. Chop onion,green chili, capsicum, and ginger finely and put into a bowl. Add grated bottle gourd.
2. Lastly add the yogurt and then pepper, and salt.
Ingredients |
Add Yogurt |
The salad can be consumed on its own. It can be served with rice or chapatti. It can be served as a side dish for a meat meal.
If you are not consuming the salad immediately or if you want to store it in the fridge, then do not add salt. Add salt before you serve.
You can omit green chilli if you want the salad to be mild. We add capsicum chilly due to its nutrition value. Raw capsicum chilly is not hot.
Vegans can substitute yogurt with three tablespoon of coconut milk or cream. This will be even more delicious and nutritious as coconut is now accepted as a super food . You can also substitute yogurt with lemon juice(or organic cider vinegar) and olive oil.
Read this article for an overview on calabash vegetable.
Other calabash posts
Calabash (Bottle Gourd)
Calabash (bottle gourd) stir-fry
Calabash (Bottle gourd) mild curry
Calabash Soup - Bottle Gourd Soup
Nutrition data for this recipe
Nutrition content is computed by adding nutrition values of individual ingredients according to the USDA nutrition database. Water shown here is what is found in the ingredients and not the water added while cooking. This is only an approximation. For further information please read my post “Nutrition information for my recipes.”
Click the button below to view the nutrition data. Click again to close it.
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