
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Eggplant curry

Eggplant curry


Commonly known as the eggplant or aubergine, it is a good source of potassium. Eggplant is very low in calories and fats but rich in soluble fiber content. 100 g provides just 24 calories but contributes about 9% of RDA of fiber.
It contains good amounts of many essential B-complex groups of vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (B3).

It is also provides minerals like manganese, copper, iron and potassium. Manganese is a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Potassium is an important intracellular electrolyte that helps reduce the hypertension effects of sodium.

The peel or skin (deep blue/purple varieties) of aubergine has good amounts of phenolic flavonoid phyto-chemicals called anthocyanins. These anti-oxidants can help fight cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.

Nutritional Value of eggplant



                                    Recipe summary                                                                                                                         for                                                                                         

                          Eggplant curry

 Preparation time :15 minutes

cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4

1. Slice 150 grams eggplant and immerse it in water. 


2. Drain and dry the eggplant pieces

3.Fry eggplant pieces for about 15 minutes until the eggplant pieces become slightly brownish in colour.

4.  Drain the oil and set the eggplant aside.

5. Heat 1 tablespoon of drained oil. Reduce the heat to low and add dry chilies, fennel seed, cumin seed and fenugreek seeds and fry for 3 seconds.
6.Add onion, red chill and curry leaves and fry in medium heat for 10 minutes or until the onion is cooked.

7. Add coconut milk, chilly powder and turmeric powder cover. cook in slow fire until the ingredients are cooked. 

Eggplant curry
8.Add the fried eggplant stir slowly preferably with a chop stick so that the eggplant will not become soggy.

9.Continue cooking covered in medium heat for 5 minutes. By now most of the liquid would be evaporated.

10.Continue cooking covered in medium heat for 5 minutes. By now most of the liquid would be evaporated

11.Turn off the heat and dish out curry.

                                    Eggplant curry is ready.                                                                                 

                    Recipe follows in detail with pictures.


 Preparation time :15 minutes

cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4

This is a very delicious curry and it is easy to prepare. I have used minimal ingredients in this recipe.This is a dry curry without the usual gravy. You can freeze this curry and use when ever you need.You will really
enjoy this curry.So why not try.


150 grams eggplant slice into 1.5 inch long fingers as shown in the picture.
Eggplant sliced and immersed in water
Eggplant sliced and immersed in water

1 sprig curry leaves, washed and chopped fine
1 red chilli sliced
1 onion chopped
2 dry chilies
3 cloves garlic sliced
¼ cup vegetable oil
½ cup coconut milk
2 spoons of tamarind juice extracted from 25 grams of tamarind
1 tsp curry powder

¼ tsp turmeric powder
¼ teaspoon fenugreek seeds
¼ teaspoon cumin seeds
¼ teaspoon fennel seeds
1 tea spoon of salt

Ingredients for Eggplant curry
Ingredients for Eggplant curry


  1. As soon as you slice the eggplant immerse it in water because it will discolour when exposed to the air..
  2. Drain and dry the eggplant pieces
  3. Heat a large frying pan or a wok and add oil and heat it till oil becomes hot
    Frying egg plant
    Frying egg plant

  4. Add eggplant pieces and quickly reduce the heat.
  5. Continue frying for about 15 minutes until the eggplant pieces become slightly brownish in colour. It will turn bitter if over fried. Taste it while frying.
  6. Turn off the heat. Drain the oil and set the eggplant aside.
    Deep fried eggplant
    Deep fried eggplant
  7. Heat the pan or wok and add 1 tablespoon of drained oil.
  8. Reduce the heat to low and add dry chilies, fennel seed, cumin seed and fenugreek seeds and fry for 3 seconds.Note: We are not breaking the red chilies as we want only its aroma and not the heat.
  9. Add onion, red chill and curry leaves and fry in medium heat for 10 minutes or until the onion is
    Other ingredients are being fried
    Other ingredients are being fried
    cooked. Adding a pinch of salt will shorten the cooking time of the onion.
  10. Add coconut milk, chilly powder and turmeric powder cover. cook in slow fire until the ingredients are cooked. 
  11. Add the fried eggplant stir slowly preferably with a chop stick so that the eggplant will not become soggy.
  12. Continue cooking covered in medium heat for 5 minutes. By now most of the liquid would be evaporated.
  13. Continue cooking covered in medium heat for 5 minutes. By now most of the liquid would be evaporated
    Final cooking
    Final cooking.
  14. Turn off the heat and dish out curry.
  15. Serve

    Nutrition data for this recipe

    Nutrition content is computed by adding nutrition values of individual ingredients according to the USDA nutrition database. Water shown here is what is found in the ingredients and not the water added while cooking. This is only an approximation. For further information please read my post “Nutrition information for my recipes.” 
     Click the button below to view the nutrition data. Click again to close it.

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