
Monday 16 February 2015

Quick Spicy soybean sprout salad

Quick Spicy soybean sprout salad
Quick Spicy soybean sprout salad

This is a very simple salad with soybean sprouts as the main ingredient. Soy bean sprouts are healthy and they give us proteins, vitamins and isoflavones. Soybean sprouts are not as delicate as mung bean sprouts. They are bigger, crunchier and firmer than mung bean sprouts.

Soy bean sprouts do not store well and spoil easily. You should use them as soon as possible. When buying, look for tender and younger sprouts. Younger sprouts will be thinner than the mature sprouts.
Soybean sprouts
Soybean sprouts

                                      Recipe summary
                        Quick Spicy soybean sprout salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 0

Serves: 3

Soybean sprouts
Soybean sprouts

Soybean sprouts come cleaned with the head and root removed or with head and root. The head (the soybean seed) is slightly pungent and if you don’t like its taste you may remove the heads. The root is long could be tougher. If it is tough you should discard the roots. I used the sprouts with the head. I trimmed the roots shorter.
Blanching the sprouts for 5 minutes will make the sprouts tender. I did not blanch the sprouts because I am used to the taste of raw soybean sprout.

Mix 300 grams soybean sprouts chopped roughly and add 100 grams onion chopped roughly (1 medium), 2 red chilies finely chopped, 1 green chili finely chopped, 10 grams ginger grated,  ¼ teaspoon  pepper powder, ¼ teaspoon salt . Squeeze Juice of half a lemon,  dribble 2 teaspoon olive oil. That’s it. You are done.
Spicy soybean sprout salad
Spicy soybean sprout salad

You can use any kind of salad dressing of your choice.  You can add 2 teaspoons of fish sauce, if you drop the salt. You may also add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, if you reduce the salt to half. You may substitute the lemon juice with extra virgin cider vinegar.

This salad can be served as an appetizer or as a side dish. This salad goes well with all forms of fried noodles. It is also served with rice in Chinese and Korean cuisine.

Quick Spicy soybean sprout salad is ready.

                        Recipe follows in detail with pictures.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 0
Serves: 3

300 grams soybean sprouts chopped roughly
100 grams onion chopped roughly ( 1 medium)
2 red chilies finely chopped
1 green chili finely chopped
10 grams ginger grated
¼ teaspoon pepper powder
¼ teaspoon  salt
2 teaspoon olive oil
Juice of half a lemon

Soybean sprouts come cleaned with the head and root removed or with head and root. The head (the soybean seed) is slightly pungent and if you don’t like its taste you may remove the heads. The root is long could be tougher. If it is tough you should discard the roots. I used the sprouts with the head. I trimmed the roots shorter.

Blanching the sprouts for 5 minutes will make the sprouts tender. I did not blanch the sprouts because I am used to the taste of raw soybean sprout.

Mix all the vegetables and add pepper powder. Squeeze in the lemon. Dribble the olive oil. That’s it. You are done.

You can use any kind of salad dressing of your choice.  You can add 2 teaspoons of fish sauce, if you drop the salt. You may also add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, if you reduce the salt to half. You may substitute the lemon juice with extra virgin cider vinegar.

This salad can be served as an appetizer or as a side dish. This salad goes well with all forms of fried noodles. It is also served with rice in Chinese and Korean cuisine.

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