
Saturday 3 January 2015

Power of tomato

Cherry tomato
Cherry tomato

Tomato can be called a fruit or vegetable. US Customs defines it as vegetable. Tomatoes are available throughout the year.  Ripe tomato can be eaten raw, cooked or made into sauces and juice. It is liked by children and adults. It is enjoyed throughout the world. While rich in flavour, it enhances the flavour of many food items. It is rich in lycopene  which is considered to be beneficial to chronic ailments such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.  It is a favourite amongst weight watchers because of its low calorie content.

Tomatoes are well known for their antioxidant content.  They alkalize our system – keep the blood and urine acid level low.

There are hundreds of different tomato varieties. We normally choose our favourite varieties based on their flavour, texture, and appearance.

Surprisingly, researchers found less of a difference between conventionally grown and organically grown tomatoes. But they found that the following four varieties of tomatoes turned out to have a higher average antioxidant content regardless of whether they were grown conventionally or organically: New Girl, Jet Star, Fantastic, and First Lady.

Cherry tomatoes are small, round, cherry-sized fruits. They are very powerful. It is best eaten with olive oil. They are low in saturated fat and cholesterol, low in sodium too. 
Red cherry tomato
Red cherry tomato
Yellow cherry tomato
Yellow cherry tomato

Estimated Glycemic Load of Tomatoes
½ cup chopped tomatoes: 1
1 tomato, 3 inches in diameter (6.5 oz): 2
1 medium cherry tomato (about ½ ounce): 0
1 medium plum tomato (about 2 oz): 1

Tomatoes are a treasure house of antioxidants. In terms of conventional antioxidants, tomatoes provide an excellent amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene; a very good amount of the mineral manganese; and a good amount of vitamin E.

Tomatoes will retain their flavour and ripen correctly at room temperature. Once they are ripe, use within 3 days or refrigerate.

Green Tomato
Green Tomato

Tomatoes have the following phytonutrients: Flavonones, Flavonols, Hydroxycinnamic acids, Carotenoids, Glycosides and Fatty acid derivatives.

Tomato is available fresh - ripe and unripe, sauces, ketchup, paste, puree and sun dried. If a recipe calls for peeled tomatoes, drop them in boiling water for a minute or two and then, place them under running water. The skin will then be easy to remove.  Sun dried tomatoes are extremely rich in flavour and are available salted and unsalted.

Tomato seeds cannot be digested and they pass straight through our intestines. Fresh tomatoes can be added to salads, sandwiches or as garnishes to a main meal. Tomato sauces or ketchups are very popular with many kinds of food, such as pizza, spaghetti, various stews, soups and chilies.

Nutritional values for tomato is found here.

Allergic reactions to tomatoes may sometimes occur with symptoms like skin and itching eyes, runny nose, gastrointestinal disturbances like pain abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea.

A packet of tomato
A packet of tomato

My other posts:
Tomato puree spread for pizza
Tomato puree spread for pizza

Green Tomato curry


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