
Saturday 30 January 2016

Breakfast is important

Breakfast ranks lowest in our list of priorities. If we do not have enough time we skip it. Fasting after dinner till the morning, we need energy first thing in the morning. We need calcium, iron, vitamins, protein and fibre in our breakfast. 

Try to include some fruits and vegetable in your breakfast. Fruit and vegetable juice will be good enough.

Breakfast provides essential carbohydrates and restores glucose levels. This keeps our brain functioning properly.

Studies in schools have shown that students who skip breakfast are tardy and skip classes. Children who take a proper breakfast have performed consistently better than those who skip breakfast. They have better concentration and are equipped with problem-solving skills. They demonstrate better memory.

It has been found that those who take a good breakfast regularly are able to control their weight better than those who skip the breakfast. 

The breakfast that we eat, however heavy it is, will be converted into energy and used up during the day time. Whereas unused part of the dinner we take will be stored in the body and will finally be converted into saturated fat, resulting in weight gain.

So the saying goes – Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.

Often people skip breakfast due to lack of time. Try to wake up 15 minutes early. You can make a good breakfast in 15 minutes. Take a peanut butter sandwich and a banana and eat on the go. If you skip breakfast you will end up eating a heavier lunch or dinner.

Some breakfast ideas from my blog.
Stir-fried luncheon meat, sandwich, can of luncheon meat, a cup of tea, garlic, green chili and egg
Stir-fried luncheon meat, sandwich, can 
of luncheon meat, a cup of tea, garlic,
 green chili and egg

Toasted fish sandwich
Toasted fish sandwich
Brown rice porridge with avocado topping
Brown rice porridge 
with avocado topping

Egg sandwich
Egg sandwich

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