
Thursday 23 April 2015

Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry

Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry
Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry
Snake gourd is a long vegetable. It can grow up to 50 inches. What I bought were about 22 inches long. It is also known as chichinda and padwal. This is an Asian vegetable and is available almost throughout the year. It has no strong flavor and is bland. We need to add more spices to make it tasty.

Usually snake gourd is fried before cooking.  Today I am not going to fry the snake gourd. I am not going to fry even the onion. This is a very simple and easy to make curry.


                                 Recipe summary
                 Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry

Preparation time:30 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 6

1. Slice 500 grams of  snake gourd into ½ inch slices.
Snake gourd

2. Roast 1/2 cup mung bean, wash and cook in 1 cup of water for about 15 minutes.  Take the pan off the flame and set it aside.

3. In a medium saucepan add the snake gourd, 80 grams coarsely chopped onion, 5 cloves of thinly sliced garlic, 30 grams thinly sliced green chili(1 medium), 10 curry leaves, ½ tsp turmeric 
Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry
Snake gourd and mung bean
 mild curry

powder, ½ tsp cumin seeds  Add 2 cups of water. Bring to the boil in high heat. Reduce the heat and cook covered for 15 minutes in low heat. I cooked this in a non-stick wok.Wok is very good for, cooking with little water. You can check to see if there is water at the bottom of the wok.

4. This vegetable is soft and cooks fast. When the vegetable is half done add the boiled beans.

5. If the curry gets too dry add a little water.  We are aiming at a curry which is thick but there will be no gravy.

6. Add the ½ cup coconut milk and 1 tsp salt and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently.Taste for seasoning and adjust.

7. The snake gourd and mung been curry is ready. It can be served as side dish or with rice or any kind of bread (roti).

Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry is ready.

                  Recipe follows in detail with pictures.

Preparation time:30 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves: 6

500 grams snake gourd
½ cup split mung bean
80 grams onion, chopped coarsely
30 grams green chili, sliced thin (1 medium)
5 cloves of garlic sliced thin
10 curry leaves
½ cup of coconut cream
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
½ teaspoon cumin seeds

Ingredients for Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry
Ingredients for Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry

Cleaning and preparing snake gourd is described in my previous post: Fried snake gourd spicy curry.
Slice the snake gourd into ½ inch slices.

Snake gourd cut into bite size pieces
Snake gourd cut into bite size pieces
Roast mung bean, wash and cook in 1 cup of water for about 15 minutes.  Take the pan off the flame and set it aside.
Boiled mung bean
Boiled mung bean
In a medium saucepan add the snake gourd, onion, garlic, ginger, chili, curry leaves, turmeric powder, cumin seeds  Add 2 cups of water. Bring to the boil in high heat. Reduce the heat and cook covered for 15 minutes in low heat. I cooked this in a non-stick wok.Wok is very good for, cooking with little water. You can check to see if there is water at the bottom of the wok.

Snake gourd, onion, garlic, chili, curry leaves, turmeric powder, cumin
This vegetable is soft and cooks fast. When the vegetable is half done add the boiled beans.
Boiled mung bean is added
Boiled mung bean is added
 If the curry gets too dry add a little water.  We are aiming at a curry which is thick but there will be no gravy.

Add the coconut milk and salt and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently.
Adding coconut milk and salt
Adding coconut milk and salt
Taste for seasoning and adjust.
Curry is ready
Curry is ready
The snake gourd and mung been curry is ready. It can be served as side dish or with rice or any kind of bread (roti).

Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry
Snake gourd and mung bean mild curry

Fried Snake gourd spicy curry

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