
Monday 2 March 2015

Mild and easy pumpkin curry

Mild and easy pumpkin curry
Mild and easy pumpkin curry

This is a mild and a filling curry. Pumpkin is a sweet vegetable. Therefore this curry is slightly on the sweet side. This is a dry curry with no gravy and without oil.

                                       Recipe summary 
                              Mild and easy pumpkin curry

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 6

1. Wash cut and peel 600 grams pumpkin ( 1 small). In a pan add pumpkin pieces, 1 coarsely chopped onion, ½ tsp salt, 10 curry 

leaves, 1 thinly sliced green chili, 1 red chili sliced thinly, 3 thinly sliced cloves of garlic, 5 grams grated ginger and 1/8 tsp turmeric powder,  and one cup of water and cover.

2. Bring the water to the boil stir and then reduce the heat to medium. Add ¼ tsp cumin seeds. Simmer for 10 minutes. Pumpkin will cook fast so don't wait too long to stir. Stay closer  to the cooker.
Mild and easy pumpkin curry
Mild and easy pumpkin curry

3. When the pumpkin is cooked add 1/8 teaspoon black pepper powder stir carefully not to break the pumpkin pieces. Simmer for a minute.
Pumpkin is ready in a pan with onion,  green and red chily, garlic, ginger, curry leaves.
Pumpkin with all ingredients
ready to cook

4. Test a pumpkin piece to see if it is soft enough. If it is not soft, simmer for another couple of minutes.

5. Add ½ cup coconut milk and cook for 2 minutes uncovered. Taste for seasoning.

6. If you like you can mash it.

7. The curry is ready. It can be served with rice or bread. 

Mild and easy pumpkin curry is ready.
                      Recipe follows in detail with pictures.

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 6


600 grams pumpkin ( 1 small)
1 onion, chopped coarsely
10 curry leaves
3 cloves garlic, sliced thinly
1 green chili sliced thinly
1 red chili, sliced thinly
5 grams ginger, grated
½ cup coconut milk
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon cumin seeds
1/8 teaspoon black pepper powder
1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder

Onion,curry leaves,garlic, ginger and green chili
Onion,curry leaves,garlic, ginger and green chili


Pumpkin is a difficult vegetable to cut and peel. It is ribbed. If you cut along the ribs it will be easier to peel.

Pumpkin cut into wedges and peeled
Pumpkin cut into wedges and peeled

Pumpkin skin is edible. It can be cooked without peeling. I prefer to peel it because the peel is hard.
First halve the pumpkin. Then slice into wedges and peel. Cut into bite size cubes. Remove the skin.

Pumpkin cut into bite size pieces
Pumpkin cut into bite size pieces
In a pan add pumpkin pieces, onion, salt,curry leaves, green chili, red chili, garlic,ginger and turmeric powder and one cup of water and cover.
Pumpkin is ready in a pan with onion,  green and red chily, garlic, ginger, curry leaves.
Pumpkin is ready for cooking in a pan with onion,  green and red chily, garlic, ginger, curry leaves.
Bring the water to the boil stir and then reduce the heat to medium. Add cumin seeds. Pumpkin will cook fast so don't wait too long to stir. Stay closer  to the cooker.

When the pumpkin is cooked add pepper powder.stir carefully not to break the pumpkin pieces. Simmer for a minute.

Test a pumpkin piece to see if it is soft enough. If it is not soft, simmer for another couple of minutes.

Add coconut milk and cook for 2 minutes uncovered. Taste for seasoning.
Coconut milk is added
Coconut milk is added

If you like you can mash it.

Coming to an end
Coming to an end

The curry is ready. It can be served with rice or bread.

If you like you can add 2 teaspoon curry powder it will give a good flavor.

Pumpkin is a sweet vegetable We all know the taste of bitter gourd which most people do not like to eat. Here I am serving both with rice for lunch  to balance the taste with an addition of onion pickle.

Rice,bitter gourd and pumpkin curries,pickled onion
Rice,bitter gourd and pumpkin curries,pickled onion

Mild and easy pumpkin curry
Mild and easy pumpkin curry

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