
Sunday 26 October 2014

Eggplant spicy and soft fry

Eggplant spicy and soft fry
Eggplant spicy and soft fry
Eggplant is also known as aubergine and brinjal. There are so many ways to cook eggplant. Each method has its own taste. We can fry it, make curry, bake, broil, grill or put into salads.

Eggplant is full of nutrition. It is a good source of potassium. It is low in calories and fats. It is rich in soluble fibre. It contributes to a few types of Vitamin B complex.

Eggplants absorb lot of oil when frying. This is not good for those who do not want to consume too much of fats. The advantage of this is that you can use many oils and sauces to the create different flavors and tastes.

Today I am going to fry eggplant. It is not a deep frying process. It will also not be crispy. Instead it will be soft and a little bit mushy. But this gives an excellent flavour and distinct taste. I am going to use sesame oil. It is believed that eggplant fried in sesame oil is very good for health. I am using dark purple eggplants. Dark purple eggplant has good amounts of phenolic flavonoid phyto-chemicals called anthocyanins.

This is an easy preparation with few ingredients and few steps of frying. This is my mothers recipe. The fried  eggplant is mixed with rice and it becomes a sort of fried rice. My mother gives this for lunch to school. It is very tasty.

                                    Recipe summary 
                               Eggplant spicy and soft fry

Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Serves: 4

1. Slice 500 grams eggplant into 1 ½ inch long fingers. Immerse the cut pieces in cold water or slightly salted water to prevent the eggplant pieces from discolouring. Rinse and dry the pieces.

2. Coat the pieces with ½ tablespoon chilli powder

¼ teaspoon turmeric powder,½ teaspoon pepper powder,¼ teaspoon cumin powder,½ teaspoon salt. Set it aside for 20 minutes to marinate.

3. Slice 2 onions lengthwise coarsely. Make them slightly larger pieces because they will shrink substantially during frying.
Eggplant sliced
Eggplant sliced

Coat the onions also with ½ teaspoon chili powder and ¼ teaspoon salt and set it aside for 10 minutes.

4. Heat ¾ cup of oil in a medium sized frying pan or wok. When the oil is hot add the marinated eggplant pieces. The oil in the pan should cover at least 1/3 of the eggplants. Fry in medium heat. Hot oil will bubble up and cover more of the eggplant 
Eggplant spicy and soft fry
Eggplant spicy and soft fry

pieces. Turn the eggplant frequently to ensure even cooking of all the pieces. You will find the volume of the eggplant shrinking rapidly as the water in the eggplant evaporates. If the bottom of the pan is dry add more oil. After frying for about 25 minutes add the onion slices and continue frying until the eggplant takes a brownish colour. This will take about a total of 45 minutes. By this time all of the oil also will be consumed. Taste for seasoning and adjust.

Take the eggplant off the heat.
Serve it hot with rice. Drink warm water or plain tea.

Eggplant spicy and soft fry is ready.
                      Recipe  follows in detail with pictures.

Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Serves: 4

500 grams eggplant
2 onions coarsely chopped
½ tablespoon chilli powder
¼ teaspoon turmeric powder
½ teaspoon pepper powder
¼ teaspoon cumin powder
¾ teaspoon salt
¾ cup sesame oil


Slice the eggplant into 1 ½ inch long fingers. 

Eggplant sliced
Eggplant sliced

Immerse the cut pieces in cold water or slightly salted water to prevent the eggplant pieces from discolouring. Rinse and dry the pieces.

Eggplant slices immersed in water
Eggplant slices immersed in water

 Coat the pieces with chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, pepper powder and salt. Set it aside for 20 minutes to marinate.

Eggplant pieces with marinating ingredients
Eggplant pieces with marinating ingredients

Eggplant pieces marinated
Eggplant pieces marinated
Slice the onion lengthwise coarsely. Make them slightly larger pieces because they will shrink substantially during frying.
Coat the onions also with chili powder and salt and set it aside for 10 minutes.
Onion marinated
Onion marinated

Heat ¾ cup of oil in a medium sized frying pan or wok. When the oil is hot add the marinated eggplant pieces. The oil in the pan should cover at least 1/3 of the eggplants. Fry in medium heat. Hot oil will bubble up and cover more of the eggplant pieces. Turn the eggplant frequently to ensure even cooking of all the pieces. You will find the volume of the eggplant shrinking rapidly as the water in the eggplant evaporates. If the bottom of the pan is dry add more oil. After frying for about 25 minutes add the onion slices and continue frying until the eggplant takes a brownish colour. This will take about a total of 45 minutes. By this time all of the oil also will be consumed. Taste for seasoning and adjust.

Frying eggplant
Frying eggplant

Onion added
Onion added

Final stage
Final stage
Take the eggplant off the heat.
Serve it hot with rice. Drink warm water or plain tea.

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