
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Sweet potato

Japanese Sweet potato
Japanese Sweet potato
Sweet potato is not like normal potato. It contains starch like the normal potato and is sweet hence it takes the name. It is much more nutritious than the normal potato. It is rich in beta-carotene. One half cup of cooked sweet potato contains 12 milligrams of beta-carotene which is twice our daily requirements and twice the beta-carotene found in half a cup of carrot.
orange sweet potato

There are a number of varieties of sweet potatoes but the most common ones are with orange colored and yellow colored inner part. A Japanese variety (Satsuma-imo ) with purple outer skin and whitish inner flesh is also available. This variety is used also in some of my recipes. They have a delicate sweet taste. They are drier than the other varieties. So you need to add more water in your recipes.
Sweet potatoes are considered to be low calorie food and can help in reducing weight while satisfying your appetite. Small sized sweet potato of 100 grams will give you only 86 calories.
Choose only small to medium sized sweet potatoes that are firm to touch and relatively heavy for their size. Avoid those that are cracked, bruised and with visible soft spots. Avoid those with new sprouts or roots. If you notice dark patch in the centre when you slice the sweet potato discard the whole sweet potato. Do not refrigerate them but keep them in room temperature. They can last for up to a month but try to use it within a week after that you will see the ends getting harder and harder. You should discard this hard part.
The Japanese sweet potatoes also tend to change to brownish colour when you peel them. Try to keep them submerged in cold water and a teaspoon of lemon juice as soon as you peel or slice them. Any dark spots that appear due to oxidation can be removed with a potato peeler.
Sweet potatoes taste much like normal potatoes except that they are slightly sweeter as the name implies.They are also softer than potatoes. In many recipes sweet potatoes can be used in place of potato. It will be a healthier choice for those with diabetes and those who want to reduce weight.Sweet potatoes can also be used along with potatoes. They are not suitable for spicy dishes, but are sometimes found in commercially produced spicy snacks like curry puffs.

Nutrition facts for sweet potato

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